Royalty Free Images of Judas IscariotFree

Death of Judas
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The death of Judas Iscariot in royalty free images in high resolution from our huge image library, free to use.

When Jesus called Judas to be an Apostle in Mark 3, He knew that Judas would ultimately betray Him (John 6)

Judas was preoccupied with money, and being the keeper of the money-bag, would help himself to the money therein. We may not fully know by what reasoning Judas would betray Christ other than unbelief, but the bribe of thirty pieces of silver was enough for Judas to arrange for a private place for the arrest of Jesus.

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Judas Conscience by Nikolaj Ge
Judas' Conscience, Nikolaj Ge 1891
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"I have sinned", he said, "for I have betrayed innocent blood."
Matthew 27, Mark 14, John 18

Up to this time Judas Iscariot, although he had betrayed Jesus, did not believe that he would be put to death. Perhaps he thought that Jesus would save himself from death, as he had saved others, by some wonderful work. But when Judas saw Jesus bound and beaten, and doing nothing to protect himself, and when he heard the rulers vote that Jesus should be put to death, Judas knew how wicked was the deed that he had wrought.

The Remorse of Judas by Edward Armitage, royalty free image
The Remorse of Judas
Edward Armitage, 1866
Judas by Edward Okun, high resolution image
Edward Okun 1901
Judas Returning the Thirty Pieces of Silver by Rembrandt
Judas Returning the Thirty Pieces of Silver, Rembrandt

Judas brought back the thirty pieces of silver that had been given to him as the reward for betraying his Lord, and he said, "I have sinned in betraying one who has done no wrong!"

But they answered him, "What is that to us? You look after that!" When Judas saw that they would not take back the money and let Jesus go free, he carried the thirty pieces to the Temple, and threw them down on the floor, then went away and hanged himself. And thus the traitor died.

After that the rulers scarcely knew what to do with the money. They said, "We cannot put it into the treasury of the Temple, because it is the price paid for a man's blood."

And when they had talked together, they used it in buying a piece of ground called "the potter's field." This they set apart as a place for burying strangers who died in the city and had no friends. But every one in Jerusalem spoke of that place as "The Field of Blood."

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