High resolution images from the Book of Revelation, royalty free. Searchable by Bible chapter and verse. Free Bible art and lessons from the Revelation of Jesus Christ for all ages. Beautifully restored high resolution art makes impressive PowerPoint presentations. See Terms of Use.
The "Revelation" or "Apocalypse" of John has always been the most puzzling book of the New Testament. Of its antiquity there can be no doubt. It was written by one author, four times named "John". From the beginning, Revelation was considered an authentic work of the apostle John, the same John who wrote the gospel and three epistles. This was held to be true by Justin Martyr, the Shepherd of Hermas, Melito, Irenaeus, the Muratorian Canon, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen and others.
The time of the writing was after John's effective testimony for Christ which led the Roman authorities to exile him to the desolate island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea.
Just as Genesis is the book of beginnings, Revelation is the book of culmination, or rather divine completion. A prophetic work, it's title means unveiling or disclosure. Revelation centers around visions and symbols of the resurrected Christ, Who alone has authority to judge the earth, to remake it, and to rule it in righteousness. |
Revelation Chapter 1 Saint John on Patmos The Alpha and Omega, the seven stars and seven golden candlesticks.
Revelation Chapter 2 The Letters to the 7 Churches Epistles to the churches in Asia, with warnings and encouragements, To the church at Ephesus, at Smyrna, at Pergamos, and at Thyatira.
Revelation Chapter 3 Continued Letters Epistles to the church at Sardis, at Philadelphia, and Laodicea.
Revelation Chapter 4 The Throne of God Vision of God, twenty four elders and four living creatures, the Seven Spirits of God.
Revelation Chapter 5 Worthy Is The Lamb A book sealed with seven seals, which could be opened by none but Christ.
Revelation Chapter 6 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Opening of the seals, the pale horse, the red horse, the black horse and the white horse. Fifth seal, cry of the martyrs, Sixth seal, day of His wrath foretold.
Revelation Chapter 7 The 144,000 of Israel Sealed A hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel sealed, the multitude from the Great Tribulation and the Lamb.
Revelation Chapter 8 Opening of the Seventh Seal The seventh seal, first trumpet, second, third and fourth trumpet.
Revelation Chapter 9 The Fifth and Sixth Trumpet Locusts from the bottomless pit. Sixth trumpet, the Angels from the Euphrates.
Revelation Chapter 10 Angel with the Little Book Angel standing on Earth and sea, John eats the Little Book.
Revelation Chapter 11 The Two Witnesses Power given to the two witnesses, their death and resurrection foretold. Seventh trumpet, the Kingdom proclaimed.
Revelation Chapter 12 The War in Heaven A description of Israel and of Satan, the woman and the dragon. The fall of Satan and his angels. The dragon persecutes the woman and the remnant of her seed.
Revelation Chapter 13 Antichrist and the False Prophet The beast from the sea, one world government, the beast from the earth, one world religious system, the mark of the beast, one world economic system.
Revelation Chapter 14 Tribulation Announcements The Lamb and the 144,000. Proclamations of three Angels. Harvesting and Reaping Angels.
Revelation Chapter 15 Preparation for the Vial Judgments A song of praise. Seven angels with the seven plagues, seven golden vials full of the wrath of God.
Revelation Chapter 16 The Seven Vial Judgments Angels pour out the seven vial judgments. Seas turn to blood, Euphrates dries up, Armageddon, the Great Day of His wrath.
Revelation Chapter 17 The Great Harlot Angel explains meaning of the former vision of the antichrist, and then to be destroyed. Interprets the mystery of the woman, and the beast with seven heads and ten horns.
Revelation Chapter 18 Fall of Babylon Angel from heaven proclaims the fall of mystery Babylon. A voice from heaven admonishes the people of God, lest they partake of her plagues. Lamentations over her. Heaven rejoices in her utter ruin.
Revelation Chapter 19 The Second Coming of Christ Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the White Horse. He, Faithful and True. Angel Standing in the Sun. Christ going forth to destroy the beast and his armies.
Revelation Chapter 20 The Great White Throne Judgment Satan is bound for a thousand years. The resurrection of the Tribulation dead in Christ. Satan loosed, Gog and Magog. The last resurrection.
Revelation Chapter 21 New Earth, New Jerusalem A new heaven and new earth, the new Jerusalem where God dwells, all sorrow banished from His people. Its heavenly origin, glory, and secure defense. Its perfect happiness, as enlightened with the presence of the Lamb.
Revelation Chapter 22 The Alpha and Omega Description of the heavenly state, the tree of life, and of the throne of God and the Lamb. The truth and certain fulfilling of all the prophetic visions, The Holy Spirit, and the bride, the church, the invitation. The closing blessing.
All Scripture and Subtitles on the Book of Revelation pages are from the King James Version Bible |
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